Thursday, February 26, 2009


Black Pipeology© In order to properly educate our children we must have an ideology, which reflects the ideals and aspirations of our people. One component of such an ideology is the importance of seeing the child as a MIND developing in the environment of a physical body in a material world – Dr. Na’im Akbar

When you look up ideology it is defined by Merriam-Webster as:
1: visionary theorizing 2 a: a systematic body of concepts especially about human life or culture b: a manner or the content of thinking characteristic of an individual, group, or culture c: the integrated assertions, theories and aims that constitute a sociopolitical program
And by Wikipedia:
An ideology is a set of beliefs, aims and ideas, especially in politics. An ideology can be thought of as a comprehensive vision, as a way of looking at things, as in common sense and several philosophical tendencies, or a set of ideas proposed by the dominant class of a society to all members of this society.
And when you search for a deeper understanding of the word ideology Wikipedia states “The main purpose behind an ideology is to offer change in society through a normative thought process”. Ideologies are systems of abstract thought (as opposed to mere ideation) applied to public matters and thus make this concept central to politics.
Working in the Social Service field I see a lot of disheartening things when dealing with the youth, especially the teenagers. So many of today’s youth don’t believe in anything but what they see on television or hear in a song. The belief system is completely different from what you would expect for their age group. As they are physically more developed than we were at their age they lack the mental development that we had. If you don’t believe in anything positive not just for yourself but also for the people around you; there’s no future for you. The youth just lack direction or a clearly defined purpose. As I don’t watch much TV I however have become a huge fan of the show Heroes. One of the characters on the show asked another a question that stuck in my head long after the show went off. He said “Do you want to live a life of purpose or have a life of meaning”. How can I receive something so powerful and meaningful from a fictional show? Looking back at that moment I realized that this is what I needed to clarify my purpose to myself, to help assure me that I’m on the correct path and that this is where God intended for me to be. Your life purpose is never what you intend it to be but what God has designed for you. My purpose is to work with the youth and I can no longer run from it. As Agent Smith told Neo in the Matrix Reloaded “It is purpose that defines and drives us. Without Purpose we would not exist”. So I understand and embrace my purpose now.
Before I can go any further I must first breakdown the true meaning of Black Pipeology.
I’m different in the manner in which I express my feelings and thoughts. I always use metaphors, innuendos, and double entrende’s when I write. People always hear me talking about basketball and recruiting players for my team. By using the term team I have chosen an alternate or metaphoric way of saying community and nation. Rebuilding the community has always been my objective; by building a team you are improving the neighborhood and community in which you live in one person at a time. In order for our people to grow we must be there for each other as teammates and as a team. It is only through a collective effort that we will persevere against racism, negativity, poverty, and evil. The word Black Pipeology derives from the word Black Pipe. I named my first book the MisEducation of Black Pipe. I chose that name because it has both a metaphoric and symbolic meaning. As Richard King wrote in the African Origin of Biological Psychiatry “Blackness is the universal solvent of all”. (King, 2001) The key chemical found in every living thing is black, the carbon atom. These atoms unite to form melanin. Melanin is the first chemical to capture light and reproduce itself. The word Black is symbolic for melanin. As melanin is the key of life. The word Pipe is the metaphoric name for the Brain, many things flow throw a pipe. It stores and manages all forms and things. The brain also stores everything; it is viewed as the library of infinite knowledge, past, present, and future. When you combine them the word Black Pipe takes on a different meaning, it stands for the Black Mind. So when you look at the name of my first book the MisEducation of Black Pipe it takes on a different meaning altogether than when you initially view it, the MisEducation of the Black Mind. So when you see Black Pipeology understand that it means the theoretical study of the black mind as a philosophy, ideology, and a sociopolitical system. In order for you to achieve any level of greatness you first must believe that you have greatness within you. The purpose of Black Pipeology is to help bring that confidence to the forefront. Helping young men and women reach a level of self-actualization is the intention of Black Pipeology.
Before I can go any further I must first explain the true meaning of Black Pipeology.
I’m different in the manner in which I express my thoughts and feelings. I always use metaphors, innuendos, and double entrende’s when I write. People always hear me talking about basketball and recruiting players for my team. By using the term team I have chosen an alternate or metaphoric way of saying community and nation. Rebuilding my community has always been my primary objective; by building a team you are improving the neighborhood and community in which you live in one person at a time. In order for our people to grow we must be there for each other as both teammates and as a team. It is only through a collective effort that we will persevere against racism, negativity, poverty, and evil. The word Black Pipeology derives from the word Black Pipe. I named my first book the MisEducation of Black Pipe. I chose that name because it has a metaphoric meaning. As Richard King wrote in the African Origin of Biological Psychiatry “Blackness is the universal solvent of all”. (King, 2001) The key chemical found in every living thing is black, the carbon atom. These atoms unite to form melanin. Melanin is the first chemical to capture light and reproduce itself. The word Black is symbolic for melanin. As melanin is the key of life. The word Pipe is the metaphoric name for the Brain, many things flow throw a pipe. It stores and manages all forms and things. The brain also stores everything; it is viewed as the library of infinite knowledge, past, present, and future. When you combine them the word Black Pipe takes on a different meaning, it stands for the Black Mind. So when you look at the name of my first book the MisEducation of Black Pipe it takes on a different meaning altogether than when you initially view it, the MisEducation of the Black Mind. So when you see Black Pipeology understand that it means the theoretical study of the black mind as a philosophy, ideology, and a sociopolitical system. As you read and decipher the definition of Black Pipeology appreciate its metaphoric meaning. In order for you to achieve any level of greatness you first must believe that there is greatness within you. The intention of Black Pipeology is to help bring that belief in greatness to the forefront. It is only through mastering yourself that you are able to achieve greatness. It is in everyone potentially to develop the god-like mentality. However everyone doesn’t reach their full potential because they don’t master analytical and holistic thinking both logical and intuitive, and verbal and imagistic. Helping young men and women reach their full potential is the primary goal of Black Pipeology. It is within the human mind to achieve this god mentality and through Black Pipeology I want to help other’s achieve it.
Working directly with kids I see their experiences from a different perspective. I see the constant fear that so many of them live in, the fear of being an individual. So many teens take on the persona of their favorite rapper, athlete, or the neighborhood drug dealer or thug. It is only through progressive mental development can they realize their full potential. Embracing analytical and holistic thinking they can develop exponentially and become true masters of their world. Utilizing the three departments of the mind, conscious, sub-conscious, and super conscious you can make your thoughts become your reality. They never develop and become the person that they could truly be. They have lost sight of the important things in life; Love, Peace, Happiness, Supreme Knowledge, Understanding, Wisdom, Wealth, Friendship, Freedom, Justice, Equality, and Independence. These are the things many of the youth today are not in possession of. They haven’t been given the foundation upon which they can build their future. It is our job as parents to instill these principles in them.